
Tutor with young woman

Does Tutoring Help Students? 2500 Studies Say “Yes”… Possibly.

Does Tutoring Help Students? 2500 Studies Say “Yes”… Possibly. 1000 535 martinp

At the beginning of this year, 2023, the U.K.-based Education Endowment Foundation published the results of a meta-study of more than 2,500 studies of what helps, (and what doesn’t really…

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online teaching challenge young learner

Primer: Practical Online Teaching Strategies to Overcome Unique Teaching Challenges

Primer: Practical Online Teaching Strategies to Overcome Unique Teaching Challenges 1200 798 martinp

In my experience, the majority of online teachers are guiding children and young people between the ages of 8 and 15, and so have access to many resources for curriculum,…

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taking notes online

Managing the Digital Classroom – 4 Tips for Teachers

Managing the Digital Classroom – 4 Tips for Teachers 1000 667 martinp

Considering how unfamiliar the at-home digital classroom might be for many teachers, it is essential that I follow my previous digital classroom management article (tips for parents), with some tips for…

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mother daughter online

Managing the Digital Classroom – 4 Tips for Parents

Managing the Digital Classroom – 4 Tips for Parents 1000 667 martinp

I have the dubious pleasure of writing this article (and its successor) with experience as both an educator who works online as well as a parent with kids “enjoying” online schooling.…

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