Subject-specific Tutoring

tutoring category
Sometimes, being able to "get something" has nothing to do with ability and everything to do with presentation. A different voice, a new relationship and a unique perspective can get your student over the steep hills.

Subject-specific tutoring sessions are intended to be short-term learning experiences with the goal of aiding a student to understand and master a particular skill in a given subject. Occasionally, learners may take advantage of a longer-term tutor partnership to raise their overall grade.

IndieTeach can currently offer tutors specializing in any of the following subjects:

  • Biology : Early Secondary Grade Levels
  • English : Elementary Through Secondary Grade Levels
  • General Science : Elementary Grade Levels
  • Mathematics : Elementary Through Early Secondary Grade Levels

To review, practice and establish the lesson material, students may expect a short homework assignment following each session. The instructor will determine if these homework assignments contribute to a final course score, or if they are discretionary.


Students in the Tutoring Program are not usually given assignments, but the instructor may determine that it necessary to exercise and demonstrate what they have learned, incorporated and mastered. Any assignments will be subject to evaluation and critique, and will contribute to the student’s final assessment.


Because specialized streams have their own discreet curriculum and are not tied to school calendars, students may be enrolled and begin their studies at any time during the year.


The overall duration of the tutoring relationship is very difficult to forecast. It will vary dependent on number of scheduled classes per week, the dedication of the learner, and the amount of teaching and support required. It is recommended that at least one hour per week is scheduled.


Textbooks, workbooks, handouts and physical assignments will be provided by the instructor.

All other supplies or class-related costs will be borne by the student. The instructor will be able to provide an approximate expense expectation prior to the start of the course.

Lesson Structure

Lesson formats may vary dependent on the material being covered, but in general will include:

  • A warm-up period
  • Directed learning time
  • Collaborative learning time
  • Integration, assessment and review
  • Homework assignment
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