Report and essay writing

essay category
Recommended age 11+
Students often don’t know how to craft a proper, professional, stylized report and have trouble communicating their ideas clearly and effectively. Writing assignments cause unnecessary anxiety and they don’t know where to begin.

In this course, students will develop a strategy to plan reports and build confidence in writing them. They will learn to express their research clearly and logically so that their ideas will not be misunderstood. Students' future writing assignments will earn grades that reflect the merits of their thoughts and the quality of their research.

Preparation and organization (3 hours)

During the first module of this course, students will learn to create an environment which promotes focus and productivity. They will optimize their workspace, mindset and surroundings. They will learn to organize their research, create meaningful and relevant notes, and produce mind maps and topic trees. They will also learn to adapt a written report to an oral presentation.

Composition, vocabulary, literary devices (4 hours)

In the second module, students will learn the “keyhole model” of essay composition. They will also review / learn construction fundamentals paragraph arrangement, sentence structure and punctuation.

Students will also become familiar with using voice and with writing for a given audience. Stylistic techniques including repetition, synonyms, simile and metaphor, as well as textual rhythm will be examined.

An analysis and criticism of the student’s first full effort at a composition will be expected at the end of this second module.

Media style and format (3 hours)

In the final module of this course, students will examine the mechanical aspects of a good report. They will learn and practice producing an effective title, title page, contents page and an index. Citations, footnotes, endnotes and links will also be covered.

The course will conclude with an analysis and criticism of the student’s second full composition effort.


To review, practice and establish the lesson material, students may expect a short homework exercises following each session. The instructor will determine if these assignments contribute to a final course score, or if they are discretionary.


Students in the Report and Essay Writing course should expect two assignments which will exercise and demonstrate what they have learned, incorporated and mastered. These assignments will be subject to evaluation and critique, and will contribute significantly to the student’s final assessment.


Because specialized streams have their own discreet curriculum and are not tied to school calendars, students may be enrolled and begin their studies at any time during the year.


Course duration will vary dependent on number of scheduled classes per week. The Report and Essay Writing course has been developed to take 10 hours and may be completed as quickly or slowly as the student decides. However, it is recommended that a one-hour class per week is planned.


Textbooks, workbooks, handouts and physical assignments will be provided by the instructor.

All other supplies or class-related costs will be borne by the student. The instructor will be able to provide an approximate expense expectation prior to the start of the course.

Lesson Structure

Lesson formats may vary dependent on the material being covered, but in general will include:

  • A warm-up period
  • Directed learning time
  • Collaborative learning time
  • Integration, assessment and review
  • Homework assignment
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