Fundamental language skills for ESL learners

ESL basics category
Recommended age 7+
IndieTeachers use trusted methodologies to deliver fun and collaborative learning experiences that get students using English from the very start.

Activities, texts and interactions will teach ESL learners everything from the English alphabet and fundamental phonics through everyday vocabulary, essential verb tenses and proficient conversation skills. 8 learning levels are tailored to the student's skills and needs.

Beginner 1 (28 lessons, 14hrs approx.)

A pre-reading level for young students who have never had formal instruction in English. Students learn to recognize upper and lowercase letters, and initial letter sounds. Beginner 1 focuses on the development of basic oral language through simple functional dialogues and question/answer patterns. Topics covered include the numbers 1-10, colours, shapes, animals, toys, and parts of the body.

Beginner 2 (36 lessons, 18hrs approx.)

Each of the 8 units in Beginner 2 is organized around a basic theme and divided into four lessons, plus 4 review lessons. Each lesson builds on previously learned language, focuses on a specific purpose in language development, and introduces new vocabulary and structures. Topics include colours, shapes, food, animals and body parts.

Level 1 (36 lessons, 18hrs approx.)

Each of the 8 units in Level 1 is organized around a basic theme and divided into four lessons, plus 4 review lessons. Each lesson builds on previously learned language, focuses on a specific purpose in language development, and introduces new vocabulary and structures. Topics include “at school”, “at the store”, “at home”, and “the outdoors”.

Level 2 (36 lessons, 18hrs approx.)

Each of the 8 units in Level 2 is organized around a basic theme and divided into four lessons, plus 4 review lessons. Each lesson builds on previously learned language, focuses on a specific purpose in language development, and introduces new vocabulary and structures. Topics include “my things”, “occupations”, “things I can do”, “routines” and “my house”.

Level 3 (36 lessons, 18hrs approx.)

Each of the 8 units in Level 3 is organized around a basic theme and divided into four lessons, plus 4 review lessons. Each lesson builds on previously learned language, focuses on a specific purpose in language development, and introduces new vocabulary and structures. Topics include “clothing”, “places”, “activities”, “what time?” and “yesterday and today”.

Level 4 (36 lessons, 18hrs approx.)

Each of the 8 units in Level 4 is organized around a basic theme and divided into four lessons, plus 4 review lessons. Each lesson builds on previously learned language, focuses on a specific purpose in language development, and introduces new vocabulary and structures. Topics include “great outdoors”, “hopes and dreams”, “people”, “future plans” and “work and play”.

Level 5 (36 lessons, 18hrs approx.)

Each of the 8 units in Level 5 is organized around a basic theme and divided into four lessons, plus 4 review lessons. Each lesson builds on previously learned language, focuses on a specific purpose in language development, and introduces new vocabulary and structures. Topics include “comparing animals”, “last weekend”, “the seasons”, “the senses” and “new experiences”.

Level 6 (36 lessons, 18hrs approx.)

Each of the 8 units in Level 6 is organized around a basic theme and divided into four lessons, plus 4 review lessons. Each lesson builds on previously learned language, focuses on a specific purpose in language development, and introduces new vocabulary and structures. Topics include “explore the world”, “doing things”, “about me”, “going shopping” and “in the future”.


To review, practice and establish the lesson material, students may expect a short homework exercises following each session. The instructor will determine if these assignments contribute to a final course score, or if they are discretionary.


Complex or involved assignments in the ESL Language Skills course are not to be expected. One or two may be given in rare circumstances when a teacher feels that a learner might be capable and benefit from such an assignment. The instructor will determine whether assignments contribute to final grades and to what degree.


Because specialized streams have their own discreet curriculum and are not tied to school calendars, students may be enrolled and begin their studies at any time during the year. Students will also be placed at their appropriate level and do not need to begin these courses from the very beginning.


Course duration will vary dependent on number of scheduled classes per week. The ESL Language Skills  levels have been developed to take from 14 to 18 hours each (dependent on level) and may be completed as quickly or slowly as the student decides. However, it is recommended that one hour of class time per week is planned (excluding homework time).


Textbooks, workbooks, handouts and physical assignments will be provided by the instructor.

All other supplies or class-related costs will be borne by the student. The instructor will be able to provide an approximate expense expectation prior to the start of the course.

Lesson Structure

Lesson formats may vary dependent on the material being covered, but in general will include:

  • A warm-up period
  • Directed learning time
  • Collaborative learning time
  • Integration, assessment and review
  • Homework assignment
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