Mathematics: Primary to Early Secondary

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Mathematics is a major source of intellectual development and a determining factor in students’ educational success. Its mastery is also a significant asset when it comes to carving out a place for oneself in a society where the practical applications of mathematics are as numerous as they are varied. High technology, engineering and computer programming are among the many fields requiring the use of mathematics, but it is also used in manufacturing common everyday objects, in measuring time or in organizing space.


Because students in academic streams must have completed their studies in time for year-end evaluations, enrollment periods for new students are more restricted. Students will not be enrolled less than 6 months prior to final exams.


Course duration will vary dependent on number of scheduled classes per week and student determination. Students should allow at least 6 months to complete the course load, and should not expect to be permitted more than 10 months.


Textbooks, workbooks, handouts and physical assignments will be provided by the instructor.

All other supplies or class-related costs will be borne by the student. The instructor will be able to provide an approximate expense expectation prior to the start of the course.


Lesson formats will adapt to the ability and interests of the student, but in general will include:

  • A warm-up period
  • Directed learning time
  • Independent learning time
  • Integration, assessment and review
  • Homework assignment
Your own private school

In much the same manor as home-schooling, the curriculum for a course of academic Mathematics will be attentive to the requirements of the regional education authority. Learning objectives, assessments and reports, and timetable will be in compliance so that the student will successfully complete and attain credit for their studies.

For students in academic streams, we defer to the curriculum mandated by the relevant provincial / state education boards for particular grade levels. Teachers use their own discretion to determine teaching texts, homework assignments, subject matter and, to an extent, the pace of classes.

All the benefits of home-schooling, under the guidance of a professional, dedicated teacher.


Assignments and homework will be given as often as necessary to explore a new concept, practice essential knowledge or to develop an emerging skill. Consequently, assignments may take the form of simple worksheets or elaborate projects and have due dates appropriate to their complexity.


Assignments given by an IndieTeacher should have the same importance as those given by traditional teachers in traditional schools. IndieTeach academic streams are for-credit courses and the work needs to be prioritized as such.

Teachers will determine the weight and grade of each assignment.


In order to keep students apprised of their progress, aptitudes and work quality, IndieTeachers are expected to grade assignments, projects and class work (attendance, participation, effort, etc.). At the teacher’s discretion, grades may take the form of letter grades or percentages. Class averages and student standing will not be provided even in classes with multiple learners.


Formal assessments are provided to the student and parent on a regular basis. While some teachers provide a summary assessment after each session, all are expected to submit a more detailed evaluation at least twice during the course.

Teachers may make themselves available for by-request consultations and updates.

Final Evaluation

In order to achieve credit for the work done over the course of an academic stream, students will typically have to be evaluated by a local education department or authority.

These evaluations may take the form of exams, interviews, reviews of teacher assessments and grades, a portfolio revue or other means. IndieTeach will determine the preferred / typical evaluation method in your region and ensure the course provides the material and education to meet the requirements.

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