We are Private

Independent Teachers

We offer responsive, customized learning programs. We deliver what you want, and what you need, to learn.

Distance Instruction

Any time of day, any day of the week, anywhere in the world.


Learn in the comfort of your home, the park or your favourite cafe.

In Studio

A more formal, but still comfortable setting for reaching your goals.

Why Choose Us?

IndieTeach is focused, private, customized, goal-oriented teaching.
Since 2017, IndieTeach has delivered almost 9000 lessons. More than 800 students have benefited from 4000+ hours of class time!


IndieTeach builds a program to suit your own particular needs and wishes.


Whether teachers by degree or naturally gifted instructors, all are vetted, trained and held to highest standards.


With few exceptions, new students can be onboarded at any time and classes can be arranged for any time.

Book an Interview

IndieTeachers have strengths that are cherished in the traditional classroom. Let’s see if we can match an IndieTeacher to your goals.

Education is not student centered or learning centered but it is relational centered.

Our instructors are experienced professionals with a diversity of qualifications. They have a proven record of forming lasting relationships with their students and guiding learners to achieve their goals.

7 Things You Should be Thinking About to Give Your Online Teaching Career a Strong Foundation 1600 901 martinp

7 Things You Should be Thinking About to Give Your Online Teaching Career a Strong Foundation

It has been said numerous times in various ways that nothing can succeed without a solid foundation – not a building, a relationship or a career. A career as an independent online teacher is no different. You need to approach your online teaching career with an awareness of certain fundamentals upon which to build. Your…

Online Classroom Management: the Essential Toolbox 1200 807 martinp

Online Classroom Management: the Essential Toolbox

As with any profession with its own unique set of tools, online teachers must also have at hand their own online classroom management toolbox. Teachers will often have much more than what is listed below to accommodate their particular niches and needs, but broadly speaking these are the fundamentals. There is certainly debate and discussion…

Primer: Practical Online Teaching Strategies to Overcome Unique Teaching Challenges 1200 798 martinp

Primer: Practical Online Teaching Strategies to Overcome Unique Teaching Challenges

In my experience, the majority of online teachers are guiding children and young people between the ages of 8 and 15, and so have access to many resources for curriculum, experienced advice and support. Broadly speaking, online teachers are walking the same path of uncountable traditional teachers and any difficulties can be traced to the…

an instructor.

IndieTeach always wants to hear from natural, talented, experienced educators.


Your lifestyle

As an Independent Teacher, you schedule your classes for the time and place that is agreeable to both you and your student.


Your students

As an Independent Teacher, you take on the students who you sincerely believe you can help and guide.

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