online classroom management toolbox

Online Classroom Management: the Essential Toolbox

Online Classroom Management: the Essential Toolbox 1200 807 martinp

As with any profession with its own unique set of tools, online teachers must also have at hand their own online classroom management toolbox. Teachers will often have much more than what is listed below to accommodate their particular niches and needs, but broadly speaking these are the fundamentals.

There is certainly debate and discussion over which tools are the best, but my maxim is “the best tool is the one that allows you to get the job done in the most effective manner”. That means, choose tools with which you are most comfortable, which allow you to achieve your objectives, and which fit your budget.

virtual classroom

Learning Platform / Virtual Classroom

Simply put, your learning platform is the means by which you provide lessons to your students. Many teachers are very successful using free and generic interactive platforms such as Zoom for videoconferencing, Facebook for groups, or even email for lesson delivery.

There are also videoconferencing platforms specifically designed for online classes. Learncube and BigBlueButton are two popular examples, while ClassIn is great for learners located in China where access to Western sites and apps may be restricted.

No matter which platforms appeal to you, remember that no platform is useful if your students can’t use it. The technological and budgetary limitations (i.e. available devices, online access and reliable bandwidth) of your students will sometimes determine the learning platform best suited to your instruction.

Content and Curriculum

This can be a tricky and sometimes touchy subject. Your curriculum is “what” you teach. So, do you design your own and supplement with materials from resources like or Kahoot? Do you purchase curriculum materials from major publishers (such as McGraw-Hill or Pearson)? Do you take advantage of custom programs from providers such as Off2Class or Abridge Academy (both for ESL instruction)?

No matter what, my maxim still holds; “the best tool is the one that allows you to get the job done in the most effective manner”. Only you, as the teacher, can determine what you have time, budget and skill to incorporate into your lessons.


Your learning platform enables you to provide lessons, but in no circumstance that I can think of is the learning platform the proper tool for casual, regular communications with your clients. While the telephone will do the job wonderfully, I tend to avoid telephone conversations with students or their parents simply because I prefer to have a record of all discussions.

For communications the tried-and-true email usually works fine, but messenger apps such as WhatsApp and WeChat also fit the bill.

planning organizing classes

Planners and Organizers

If you have classes to schedule, assignments to grade and administrative tasks to perform then you must have a means to organize it all. Some online classroom management platforms will assist you in this with varying degrees of effectiveness but often you’ll have to employ a small handful of tools to keep track of everything.

Both Calendly and Google Calendar are good for scheduling. Milanote is a popular app for reminders and to-do lists. As for billing, I still rely on an Excel / Calc spreadsheet . The same can be said for content production and marketing. Perhaps someone can recommend better apps for these chores?


Not only should you keep records of your student’s names, progress, test / exam results, and of course billing information, but you may also want to keep records of their address, emergency contact info, and interests and aptitudes among other things.

Student work can be collected, graded and returned with apps such as Dropbox or Google Drive. Personal information may be stored in either spreadsheets or in databases (Google Sheets, LibreOffice Base). Most online teaching platforms will also enable you to keep basic student information.

family learning together

Family members

Should you consider family members as tools? Absolutely! For younger learners, a mom, dad, brother or sister, can help your student with remembering class times, completing homework or assignments, managing the technology, keeping focused in class or understanding your instruction. It’s true that family member’s presence during class can sometimes get in the way, but be willing to coach rather than dismiss an on-site partner.

Colleagues, Support and Growth

Finally, never imagine that you’re alone. Experienced teachers have collected a portfolio of resources, friends, courses and conferences to help them be the best teacher possible. From day one you should be doing the same. Subscribe to social media groups for online teachers, sign up for newsletters from institutions that publish valuable articles and host informative conferences, attend in-person meet-ups and gatherings, purchase / download texts to help you, enroll in classes, keep your ears and eyes open… and change the world!

References and Further Reading

Tools for Teacher and Learners

Managing Online Teaching Focus Paper
Nik Peachey, Oxford University Press

Images by
Susan Holt Simpson on Unsplash
Marten Bjork on Unsplash
Alexander Dummer on Unsplash

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