Online education

How to increase what students remember

How to increase what students remember 1000 534 martinp

It’s no revelation that students forget pretty quickly the lesson of the day. Repetition, drilling, revision and testing are the traditional tools that teachers use to to try to limit…

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7 Things You Should be Thinking About to Give Your Online Teaching Career a Strong Foundation

7 Things You Should be Thinking About to Give Your Online Teaching Career a Strong Foundation 1600 901 martinp

It has been said numerous times in various ways that nothing can succeed without a solid foundation – not a building, a relationship or a career. A career as an…

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online classroom management toolbox

Online Classroom Management: the Essential Toolbox

Online Classroom Management: the Essential Toolbox 1200 807 martinp

As with any profession with its own unique set of tools, online teachers must also have at hand their own online classroom management toolbox. Teachers will often have much more…

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online teaching challenge young learner

Primer: Practical Online Teaching Strategies to Overcome Unique Teaching Challenges

Primer: Practical Online Teaching Strategies to Overcome Unique Teaching Challenges 1200 798 martinp

In my experience, the majority of online teachers are guiding children and young people between the ages of 8 and 15, and so have access to many resources for curriculum,…

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Primer: Recognizing Initial Online Teaching Challenges

Primer: Recognizing Initial Online Teaching Challenges 1200 748 martinp

It goes without saying that taking on a new adventure comes with hurdles that we might not anticipate. However, when it comes to online teaching challenges, enough have gone before…

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girl learning online

Primer: Determine Your Online Teaching Path Wisely

Primer: Determine Your Online Teaching Path Wisely 1920 1279 martinp

Teaching others seems to be hard-wired into our behaviours as humans, and is a natural outgrowth of communicating. When we share our experiences, philosophies, plans and perceptions, we can be…

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ESL basics category

China’s evolving regulations for online ESL classes

China’s evolving regulations for online ESL classes 800 533 martinp

Over the course of this summer the online ESL-tutoring industry serving China has been hit with the equivalent of a category 4 hurricane. The Chinese Ministry of Education in June…

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taking notes online

Managing the Digital Classroom – 4 Tips for Teachers

Managing the Digital Classroom – 4 Tips for Teachers 1000 667 martinp

Considering how unfamiliar the at-home digital classroom might be for many teachers, it is essential that I follow my previous digital classroom management article (tips for parents), with some tips for…

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mother daughter online

Managing the Digital Classroom – 4 Tips for Parents

Managing the Digital Classroom – 4 Tips for Parents 1000 667 martinp

I have the dubious pleasure of writing this article (and its successor) with experience as both an educator who works online as well as a parent with kids “enjoying” online schooling.…

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