About IndieTeach

IndieTeach is a network of independent academic teachers who are passionate about teaching and skilled at bringing out the best in their students. IndieTeachers are free to focus on the subject and the student, and creatively adapt the lesson to the learner rather than constrain the student to the curriculum.
our vision
Our Vision

IndieTeach recognizes the intrinsic value of one-to-one and one-to-few teaching. Having been freed of bureaucracy and arbitrary benchmarks, IndieTeachers can exercise their passion and skill at nurturing  a learner to master new skills in a manner that aligns with the learner’s character and abilities.

our mission
Our Mission

Those who are accepted and matched with an IndieTeacher show a sincere interest in the subject and in their own intellectual growth. Not all applicants will find teachers, but those who do will be encouraged to enjoy learning and to strive for even greater accomplishments.

core beliefs
Core Beliefs

IndieTeach believes that students benefit most from the “LEAD, DON’T LECTURE” model of teaching. If a student has an interest and appreciation for the subject, then an IndieTeacher will serve best if they serve as a guide through the learning experience.

pupil car
Pupil Care

We know that our students come from a wide diversity of backgrounds and cultures. For this reason, IndieTeachers strive to be politically, culturally and socially sensitive. Criticism, condemnation, intolerance and superiority are not acceptable from our teachers.

  • All instructors have 2 or more years experience
  • All instructors are certified by law enforcement as having no impediment
  • All instructors have their credentials verified
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