We are Private

Independent Teachers

We offer responsive, customized learning programs. We deliver what you want, and what you need, to learn.

Distance Instruction

Any time of day, any day of the week, anywhere in the world.


Learn in the comfort of your home, the park or your favourite cafe.

In Studio

A more formal, but still comfortable setting for reaching your goals.

Why Choose Us?

IndieTeach is focused, private, customized, goal-oriented teaching.
Since 2017, IndieTeach has delivered almost 9000 lessons. More than 800 students have benefited from 4000+ hours of class time!


IndieTeach builds a program to suit your own particular needs and wishes.


Whether teachers by degree or naturally gifted instructors, all are vetted, trained and held to highest standards.


With few exceptions, new students can be onboarded at any time and classes can be arranged for any time.

Book an Interview

IndieTeachers have strengths that are cherished in the traditional classroom. Let’s see if we can match an IndieTeacher to your goals.

Education is not student centered or learning centered but it is relational centered.

Our instructors are experienced professionals with a diversity of qualifications. They have a proven record of forming lasting relationships with their students and guiding learners to achieve their goals.

Does Tutoring Help Students? 2500 Studies Say “Yes”… Possibly. 1000 535 martinp

Does Tutoring Help Students? 2500 Studies Say “Yes”… Possibly.

At the beginning of this year, 2023, the U.K.-based Education Endowment Foundation published the results of a meta-study of more than 2,500 studies of what helps, (and what doesn’t really help), with a student’s academic success. This analysis, the Teaching and Learning Toolkit, considered 30 different educational strategies and ranked them on the amount of…

How to increase what students remember 1000 534 martinp

How to increase what students remember

It’s no revelation that students forget pretty quickly the lesson of the day. Repetition, drilling, revision and testing are the traditional tools that teachers use to to try to limit forgetting and help students remember, but it often feels like trying to hold back the tide. There’s possibly a biological reason for this. Just as…

Why should you register your independent teacher business? 1000 624 martinp

Why should you register your independent teacher business?

Very often while perusing the chats and boards and comments of the sites I regularly visit I see the same question being asked, “Should I (or how do I) register my own private business?”. Equally as often I see this question being answered with inaccurate or misleading information, so in this article I’ll try to…

an instructor.

IndieTeach always wants to hear from natural, talented, experienced educators.


Your lifestyle

As an Independent Teacher, you schedule your classes for the time and place that is agreeable to both you and your student.


Your students

As an Independent Teacher, you take on the students who you sincerely believe you can help and guide.

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